Aquatic Cyanobacteria Isolated from Cochin: Growth characteristics and bioactive impact on selected microflora

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Aquatic Cyanobacteria Isolated from Cochin: Growth characteristics and bioactive impact on selected microflora

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Title: Aquatic Cyanobacteria Isolated from Cochin: Growth characteristics and bioactive impact on selected microflora
Author: Newby, Joseph; Dr.Saramma, A V
Abstract: Aquatic ecosystem in the south west coast of India is noted for its diversity of habitats. Very often these environments turn bluegreen when the bloom of bluegreen algae (cyanobacteria) appear consequent to eutrophication. This phenomenon occursin these habitats one after the other or simultaneously. This conspicuousness make one curious enough to know more about these nature’s gift bestowed upon mankind. While persuing the literature on the magnificent flora) it is understood that it may provide food fertilizer, chemicals and bioactive substances. These bioactive substances are likely to be involved in regulating natural populations and are potentially useful as biochemical tools and as herbicidal or biocontrol agents. The role of cyanobacteria in the aquatic food chain and contribution in abatement of heavy metals from the natural environment are well documented. Considering the manifold utilization of the flora and their significance in the food chain, the present investigation has been undertaken
Description: Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Date: 2002-12-28

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