Water characteristics and current structure of the intermediate waters in the arabian sea

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Water characteristics and current structure of the intermediate waters in the arabian sea

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Title: Water characteristics and current structure of the intermediate waters in the arabian sea
Author: Madhusoodanan,P; Dr.Sharma,G S
Abstract: At intermediate depths of the Arabian Sea, the circulation and characteristics of water are more influenced by the high saline waters from the north and low saline waters from the south of equator. The interaction of these waters which greatly differ in characteristics is less understood compared to that at the upper layers. An understanding of the nature of the intermediate waters is of vital importance not only because of the unusual characteristics of the waters but also due to the influx of the different water masses from the neighbouring Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Hence, in the present investigation, it is proposed to study the water characteristics and current structure of the intermediate waters in the Arabian Sea through the distribution of the water properties on the isanosteric surfaces of 100, 80, 60 and 4O—cl/t, vertical sections, and scatter diagrams An attempt is also made to present the potential vorticity between different steric levels to understand the circulation and mixing processes. Data collected during and subsequent to International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) are used for this study. The thesis has been divided into six chapters with further sub divisions
Description: Naval physical and oceanographic laboratory
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3281
Date: 1985-10

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