Chitinase production by.marine fungi

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Chitinase production by.marine fungi

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Title: Chitinase production by.marine fungi
Author: Suresh, P V; Dr.Chandrasekaran,M
Abstract: In this thesis an attempt is made to explore the potential of marine fungi for the production of chitinolytic enzymes and to recognize the ability to hydrolyse native chitin through submerged as well as solid substrate fermentation culture conditions, using wheat bran and shellfish processing waste such as ‘prawn waste’ as solid substrates. Attempt was made to isolate a potential chitinase producing fungus from marine environment and to develop an ideal bioprocess for the production ofchitolytic enzymes.Present study indicate scope for utilization of B. bassiana for industrial production of chitinase using prawn waste as solid substrate employing solid substrate fermentation.
Description: Department of Biotechnology. Cochin University of Science and Technology
Date: 1996-10-10

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