Bayesian Inference in Exponential and Pareto populations in the presence of Outliers

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Bayesian Inference in Exponential and Pareto populations in the presence of Outliers

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Title: Bayesian Inference in Exponential and Pareto populations in the presence of Outliers
Author: Jeevanand, E S; Dr.Unnikrishnan Nair, N
Abstract: This thesis Entitled Bayesian inference in Exponential and pareto populations in the presence of outliers. The main theme of the present thesis is focussed on various estimation problems using the Bayesian appraoch, falling under the general category of accommodation procedures for analysing Pareto data containing outlier. In Chapter II. the problem of estimation of parameters in the classical Pareto distribution specified by the density function. In Chapter IV. we discuss the estimation of (1.19) when the sample contain a known number of outliers under three different data generating mechanisms, viz. the exchangeable model. Chapter V the prediction of a future observation based on a random sample that contains one contaminant. Chapter VI is devoted to the study of estimation problems concerning the exponential parameters under a k-outlier model.
Description: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technoloy
Date: 1993-12-20

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