Stratosphere Troposphere Interactions Associated With the Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere

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Stratosphere Troposphere Interactions Associated With the Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere

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Title: Stratosphere Troposphere Interactions Associated With the Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere
Author: Sathiyamoorthy,V; Dr.Mohan Kumar, K
Abstract: The aim of the present study is to understand the biennial scale stratosphere-troposphere interactions over India, and synoptic to interannual timescale meridional stratosphere-troposhere exchanges caused by upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric longwaves using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and satellite measured total ozone data. The biennial timescale interaction between lower stratosphere and troposphere over Thumba is analysed using high-resolution radiosonde data. The results suggest that TBO and QBO are two different phenomena with nearly biennial periodicity. Interannual timescale meridional stratosphere-troposphere exchanges caused by the newly documented Asia Pacific Wave (APW) were analysed using ozone as tracer of atmospheric motion. Synoptic timescale meridional stratosphere-troposhere exchanges caused by subtropical upper tropospheric long waves over Asia were studied using global total ozone measurements from TOMS. This research work can be extended to study the influence of decadal scale epochal nature in Indian summer monsoon activity on the APW generated total ozone anomalies around the globe and the trend estimates in total ozone
Date: 2001

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