Effect of ambient gas on the expansion dynamics of plasma plume formed by laser blow off of thin film

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Effect of ambient gas on the expansion dynamics of plasma plume formed by laser blow off of thin film

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Title: Effect of ambient gas on the expansion dynamics of plasma plume formed by laser blow off of thin film
Author: Sony, George; Ajai, Kumar; Singh, R K; Nampoori, V P N
Abstract: A study has been carried out to understand the influence of ambient gases on the dynamics of laser-blow-off plumes of multi-layered LiF–C thin film. Plume images at various time intervals ranging from 100 to 3000 ns have been recorded using an intensified CCD camera. Enhancement in the plume intensity and change in size and shape occurs on introducing ambient gases and these changes are highly dependent on the nature and composition of the ambient gas used. Velocity of the plume was found to be higher in helium ambient whereas intensity enhancement is greater in argon environment. The plume shapes have maximum size at 10−2 and 10−1 Torr of Ar and He pressures, respectively. As the background pressure increases further (>10−2 Torr: depending on the nature of gas), the plume gets compressed/focused in the lateral direction. Internal structure formation and turbulences are observed at higher pressures (>10−1 Torr) in both ambient gases.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2622
Date: 2010

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