Emission characteristics and dynamics of C2 from laser produced graphite plasma

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Emission characteristics and dynamics of C2 from laser produced graphite plasma

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Title: Emission characteristics and dynamics of C2 from laser produced graphite plasma
Author: Harilal, S S; Issac, Riju C; Bindhu, C V; Nampoori, V P N; Vallabhan, C P G
Abstract: The emission features of laser ablated graphite plume generated in a helium ambient atmosphere have been investigated with time and space resolved plasma diagnostic technique. Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to reveal the velocity distribution of different species ejected during ablation. At lower values of laser fluences only a slowly propagating component of C2 is seen. At high fluences emission from C2 shows a twin peak distribution in time. The formation of an emission peak with diminished time delay giving an energetic peak at higher laser fluences is attributed to many body recombination. It is also observed that these double peaks get modified into triple peak time of flight distribution at distances greater than 16 mm from the target. The occurrence of multiple peaks in the C2 emission is mainly due to the delays caused from the different formation mechanism of C2 species. The velocity distribution of the faster peak exhibits an oscillating character with distance from the target surface.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2460
Date: 1997-04

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