Electron donating properties and catalytic actiVity of cerium oxide and its mixed oxides with alumina

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Electron donating properties and catalytic actiVity of cerium oxide and its mixed oxides with alumina

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Title: Electron donating properties and catalytic actiVity of cerium oxide and its mixed oxides with alumina
Author: Sugunan, S; Jalaja, J M
Abstract: The electron donating properties of Ce02 and its mixed oxides with alumina have been determined from the studies of adsorption of electron acceptors of various electron affinities on the surface of these oxides. The catalytic activity of these oxides towards some reactions such as oxidation of alcohols and reduction of ketones have been Correlated with their surface electrondonor properties. The surface acidity/basicity of these oxides have also been determined by titration method using a set of Hammett indicators.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2216
Date: 1995-03

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