saji, P.K; Prof. (Dr.) A. N. Balchand(Cochin University of Science and Technology, November 5, 2015)
The recurrent warming of oceans is an important process in
maintaining the climate of earth. Ocean temperature is an important climatic
indicator among others such as atmospheric humidity, tropospheric
temperature, sea level, ocean heat content, temperature over land, sea ice
etc. The oceans absorb large amounts of heat and Carbon dioxide, thereby
reducing the impact of global warming. The important point here is the
carrying capacity of the oceans and its future behavioral patterns to the
present warming trend.Warm pools represent upper ocean temperatures and act as an index
for climate change. Its temporal and spatial variations can have crucial
impacts on climate change. This study focuses on the warming of the Indian
Ocean with an emphasis on the warm pool (IOWP) with the following
1. A detailed study on the annual characteristics of IOWP
2. Understand ENSO-induced variability on IOWP
3. Deduce the long term trend SST and IOWP in response to global
warming and
4. Model SST using 1-Dimensional Mixed Layer Model.