Hridayanathan,C; Dr.Kurian, C V(Cochin University of Science and Technology, August , 1981)
The present study was undsrtaken.with the objectives to assess the distribution and density of population of benthic animals with special reference to macrofauna from the south west coast of India from ' Malippursa 1 in the north to Alleppey in the south, to evaluate significant difference, if any, in the number and distribution of animals in th md bank regions and other intermittent stations, to examine the influence of bottom stability on the distribution of fauna, to observe the effect of the environmental parameters on the distribution pattern of nacrofauna, and to evaluate the nature and depthpwise distribution of the benthic fishery. The region selected for the investigation is one of the nest important fishing grounds in India for bottom fishing especially for prawns, covering a distance of about 60 kns in number of thirty stations in five transects at right angles to the coast, each consisting of six stations were surveyed. The six stations in a transect were at depths of 5 m, 10m, 20:, 30:, 35m and 45m respectively formation of the Iudbanke, popularly known as 'Ghaknra' in the local language, is a peculiar phenomenon along the ooaet of Kerala and provides a good fishing ground.quantitative distribution of the mecrofauna chewed that the maximum number of organism was near the 35 n contour line in the first three profiles whereas in the fourth and fifth profiles it was at 20 n and 30 m depth respectively. The density of the fauna wee comparatively poor in shallow water etatione at depths 5-‘IO M.was a general decline in the numerical abundance and biomass of the bottom fauna in all the stations during the monsoon period. There has been very little yearly change in
the composition of the fauna during the two years‘ study.
Department of Marine Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Thomas,Thomas P; Dr.George, Philip(Cochin University of Science And Technology, October , 1981)
ac-qlncnn phosphorylsse is en ilportent enzyme in
glycoiysis. It is the first used knows to exhibit
ellosteric properties and lance its inhibition end
ectivetion have significant effect on the rete ot
qlycolysis. The thesis deals with 11 detailed study of
the structure. inhibition and control or this snlrlls
from rabbit uncle and troll e merino eninelo
‘the thesis is divided into two parts. Port 1
deals with studies on rabbit uncle glycogen phospherylese.
After e review of the relevant literetnre (Chapter 1) the
inhibition and chancel sodiiicetion studies on rabbit
ensyle ere discussed in chepters 2 to 5. Chapter 6. gives
the methods used for the study
School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Gopinathan,C P; Dr.Ramachandran Nair,P V(Cochin University of Science and Technology, December , 1981)
This thesis deals with the results oi’
investigations on phytoplankton productivity and related
aspects conducted in various ecoaystms such as estuarine,
inshore and oceanic enviroments and certain special
ecosytans including the pu.-awn culture fields and associated
many-eves, mud bank and the seas around the Andaman-Nicobar
Islands. This study also includes the qualitative and
quantitative variations of phytoplankton production, their
seasonal abundance, factors controlling the same and the
magnitude of the potential resources derived 1!:-om it
Narayana Pillai, V; Dr.Murthy, A V S(Cochin University of Science And Technology, 1982)
The present study is aimed at observing the variations, in
space and time, of see of the important hydrographic parameters such
as sea water temperature, salinity and Resolved oxygen within the
coastal waters along the south-west coast of Indiametween Ratnagiri
(17°OO*N,73°20'E) and cape comorin ( 8°10'N,77°30*E). Specific data
relating to the process of upwelling and sinking was collected mainly
to evaluate the extent and intensity of the vertical mixing processes
active in the area under study. The study also attempted possible correlations between the observed parameters and the occurrence and migrations of some of the major pelagic fishery resources such as sardine,mackerel and anchovy in the area under study
School of marine sciences, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Peter, K J; Dr.Kurian, C V(Cochin University of Science And Technology, January , 1982)
Though several scientific expeditions surveyed
tha Indian ocean. their findings on larval fishes
were fragmentory and incomplete. During the
International Indian ocean expedition (1960-1965)
zooplankton samples were collected from vast area at
the lndian ocean adopting standard procedures by
participating vessels. These planktons provided an opportunity for a general study of the
zooplanltton as well as their anotomy. abundance and
distribution.. Realising the imortance of the
analysis and classification of fish larvae at the
family level being one of the most important
information required then for the Indian Ocean region
the fish larval portion sorted out from the above
zooplankton samples was allocated to the author by the
UNESCO consultative committee for the Indian Ocean
Biological centre. In spite of the emhasis laid on
The study of the family scombridae. owing to the
paucity of the scombridae material in tne collection.
much could not be done about it.However the record
and description of the very early stages of morakel larvae made in 1967 as part of this study was the first of its kind. The present study on the distribution aspects o fish larva of such large area in the Indian ocean is also unique and first of its kind
Lakshmanan, P T; Dr.Krishnan Nambisan, P N(Cochin University Of Science And Technology, January , 1982)
The subsequent chapters of the Thesis deal with the toxic
effects of mercury, copper, zinc und~1ead on these bivalve
molluecs, their accumulation and distribution among various
organs of the animals and also the motel retention winstica
by the three species. Static biousauy tests have been conducted
in these studies. It was found that the concentrations of
the various metals studied in these organism are well below
the permitted level given far ease ahellfienes (crab and ehrimgi
and that these maliuscs are very good integrators ef trace
metals from their environment and may be used as an indicator
organism sf metal pallutaute.
The present investigutionsemphaeie the need for a clean
coastal water and gives a serious warning regarding the possiblc
route of heavy metals in ta human body thraugh marine food
School Of Marine Sciences
Cochin University Of Science And Technology
Thankappan, Pillai C; Dr.Silas, E G(Cochin University of Science And Technology, March , 1982)
In the present study, fifteen typee of diseases
occurring in twenty one species of finfishes end
shellfishes are documented and the causes studied. All
these are being reported from India for the first time
which adds considerably to our existinq knowledge on the
subject.In fact, the candidate's studies embodied in
this Thesis has also an applied significance aimed at
the proper management_of finfish and shellfish aquaculture
systems in this country.The thesis is presented in seven main chapters.
Ivy,Thomas; Dr.Chandramohan, D(Cochin University Of Science And Technology, April 21, 1982)
The thesis is proposed to study the occurrence and distribution
of chitinoclasts in water, sediment and fauna as
related to site characteristics such as temperature,
salinity, depth of water, pH, etc. Since no information
is available on the chitinolytic properties of coastal
strains, it is also proposed to study the chitinolytic
activity of the bacterial isolates in relation to various
environmental conditions. It is also planned to work out the taxonomy of some of the representative isolates and certain kinetic properties of their chitinases. It is expected that the results of the study would yield a comprehensive information-on the chitinoclastic bacteria in the southern coastal zone of
west coast of India.
Department Of Marine Sciences,Cochin University Of Science And Technology
Gopalakrishnan,T C; Dr.Kurian, C V(Cochin University of Science and Technology, June , 1982)
The main purpose of the Study is to outline the main distributional features of the species of the calonoid copepod family seolecithricidae in the Indian Ocean Expedition collections and to distinguish and describe their niches. In the present thesis 27 species belonging to 7 genera were identified of which 2 were new records from the Indian Ocean and one was described as a new species. In addition to the general treatment of the taxonomy, zoogeography and species diversity in relation to various environmental parameters are also attempted
Madhusoodana Kurup,B; Dr.Samuel, C T(Cochin University of Science and Technology, July , 1982)
The thesis documents a comprehensive systematic account of Vembenad lake fishes and to study the effect of physico-chemical parameters on the distribution and abundance of fishes in the lake. This study is expected to advance the knowledge on the biological aspects of two commercially important fishes of the lake which are very desirable for brackish water fish farming. Additionally, the results of the studies on the ecology as habitat, occurrence, season and abundance of all the recorded fishes of the lake end the commercially important fish species of the lake are also incorporated. A general appraisal on the detrimental factors which are adversely affecting the fisheries resources of the lake are presented and some measures of conservation are also suggested. The results of the present study are helpful in formulating suitable schemes for management of parts of the Vembenad lake for capture and culture fisheries
School of Marine Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Mukundan, M K; Dr.Gopakumar, K(Cochin University of Science And Technology, July , 1982)
Lipids constitute a significant portion of the
biomass of earth and lipolytic enzymes play a very important
role in lipid turn over. Apart from their biological
significance, lipolytic enzymes are also very important
in the fields of nutrition, food technology, medicine
and preparative and analytical lipid biochemistry.
Recent developments in the study of proteins and
enzymes have largely benefited the study of lipolytic
enzymes, that some of these enzymes were isolated in pure
form. Even today there is a continuous search for new and
potent sources of these lipolytic enzymes. The zest for
elucidating the structure and mechanism of action of the
enzymes obtained in pure form for biochemist still remains
unabated. The literature shows no record of such an
effort for the study of lipases from marine sources. The
fact that many fishes like oil sardine, mackerel, cat fish,
seer etc. contains large amounts of lipid shows the possibility
of the existence of lipases in significant amounts
necessitating their exhaustive study. Such a study will,
not only provide alternate sources for lipase but also will
provide methods to curb lipolysis and the resultant rancidity
and off flavor development in fish and fishery
School of marine sciences, Central institute of fisheries technology, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Basil, Mathew; Dr.Sharma,G S(Cochin University of Science And Technology, October , 1982)
Of the several physical processes occurring in the sea, vertical motions have special significance
because of their marked effects on the oceanic environment. upwelling is the process in the sea
whereby subsurface layers move up towards the surface. The reverse process of surface water sinking to subsurface depths is called sinking. Upwelling is a very conspicuous feature along the west coasts of continents and equatorial regions, though upwelling also occurs along certain east coasts of continents and other regions, The Thesis is an outcome of some investigations
carried out by the author on upwelling and sinking off the west and east coasts of India. The aim of the study is to find out the actual period and duration of upwelling and sinking, their driving mechanism, various associated features and the factors that affect these processes. It is achieved by analysing the temperature and density fields off the west and east coasts of India, and further conclusions are drawn from the divergence field of surface currents, wind stress and sea level variations.
School of marine sciences, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Devadasan,K; Dr.Gopakumar, K(Cochin University of Science and Technology, December , 1982)
This thesis is an attempt to make a comparative study of the composition of the muscle proteins of some commercially important species of fishes and shell fishes of our coast and their changes during preservation and processing. As a part of this the distribution of the major protein nitrogen fractions in several species of fishes and shell fishes was studied in detail.