Thomas,C J; Dr.Ramachandra, Poduval P(Cochin University of Science And Technology, April , 1997)
The present study is on
value orientation of professional students•and as such the theoretical value is
inherent and implied. Variation on this value is likely to be limited among
the subjects.
The relevance of the present study is with particular reference, to
management as a profession. In organisational settings motivation plays an
important role. According to McClelland's theory of needs, achievement,
power, and affiliation are the three important needs that help in understanding
motivation. Achieve~ent need may be defined as the drive to excel, to achieve
in relation to a set of standards, and to strive to succeed. Some people have a
compelling drive to succeed. They have a desire to do something better or
more efficiently than it has been done before. McClelland found that high
achievers differentiate themselves from others by their desire to do things
. better. Considering this fact, 'achievement' is included as one of the values
for the study
School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Anil Kumar, R; Dr.George, Varghese K(Cochin University Of Science And Technology, November , 2012)
This study analyses the socio-economic backgrounds and entrepreneurial
profiles of the students and pass outs of the Vocational Higher Secondary
Education in Kerala and the academic achievements of the Vocational Higher
Secondary students and pass outs in Kerala in terms of their performance in the
examinations. The study also analyses the quality and availability of the various
training and support facilities of the Vocational Higher Secondary Schools in
Kerala, nature and rate of employment and higher studies among the pass outs
of the Vocational Higher Secondary Education in Kerala and the awareness of
students, pass outs, teachers and principals regarding the goals and objectives,
mode of implementation, apprenticeship training and higher study and
employment opportunities of the programme of the Vocational Higher
Secondary Education in Kerala.
School of Management Studies,
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Celine, Scaria K; Dr.George, C M(Cochin University of Science And Technology, July , 1985)
The corporate views on wives roles and their subsequent involvement in their husbands career seem to be quiet surprising .Even though the corporate magnates are aware of wives influence on husbands professional advancements they seldom give credit to this factor. Again it may be an eye opener for the corporations which hardly take note of the executives wives their likes or dislikes, their expectations or frustrations. They are to understand that man in his totality and decisions affecting his family have to be taken seriously. More over they should respect the right of the wives by understanding the exact role played by them. Thus this study is to understand the roles and contributions of executives wives to the success of their husbands in their professions. The study tries to minimize the gap between the corporations and the wives ,and also to make the wives aware of their peculiar role in the career advancement of their executive husbands.
School of management studies, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Kochuthressia, M M; Dr.Payyapilly, J T(Cochin University of Science And Technology, October , 1994)
even after 45 years of independence, it is seen that
women are still left cum the periphery cnf the political process.
Effective and meaningful participation of women in politics
remains elusive for most of them. The representation of women in the state legislatures and in both Houses of Parliament has
been very marginal. The percentage of women members in the LokSabha to the total membership of the body has never touched a two-digit figure so far. Within these 45 years, India could field only five women as Union Cabinet Ministers. In the case of the various states also, the position of women's participation in political activities is not very different. On the whole, it is seen that in independent India the role played by women in the electoral politics of the country or in the day to day activities of the different political parties is very" ineffective and insignificant.
The present study was undertaken to make an assessment of
women's involvement in the political process of Kerala since independence. This small state in the southernmost part of India claims ‘that it possesses certain. unique features in its social fabric that makes it different from the rest of the country as far as the place of women in society is concerned.
School of management studies, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Anna,V; Dr.Chandrasekharan Pillai, N(Cochin University of Science and Technology, January , 1989)
This study was on women's industries programme in Kerala, to assess the involvement of manpower in this field and to analyse the difficulties and problems faced by the women entrepreneurs which impede the growth and smooth functioning of units. It was supported by the views of 275 women entrepreneurs of Kerala. Census method was adopted and only 58 per cent of units responded by supplying necessary details. Details were collected from these: units through mailed questionnaires designed for the purpose. The study highlights the profile of workers in the women's industrial units, but the profile of the entrepreneurs is neglected. Problems faced by women entrepreneurs are analysed under the following major heads viz., capital, raw materials, marketing, competition from other units and availability of power. But the conclusions drawn from the survey are not on proper empirical support. It also includes suggestions of entrepreneurs. The major findings of the study are as follows : Nearly 82 per cent of the women's industrial units are functioning throughout the year. Proprietory concerns and co—operative societies are the popular ones. Majority of the units are running on profit. Women's units are still in their infancy and so the problems faced by them are many. The characteristics of having other business or sister concerns is lacking among women entrepreneurs. Nearly 94 per cent of the employees are permanent. About four-fifth (81%) of the workers are full time employees. Only a very small proportion of the employees (1%) get a reasonable income that is above Rs.50O per month. The workers are very young and 63 per cent
workers have no experience at all.
Department of Applied Economics,
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Padmini,C; Sukumaran Nair,M K(Department of Applied Economics, 2003)
In the present study made an attempt to analyse the structure, performance and growth of women industrial cooperatives in kannur district, Kerala. The study encompasses all women industrial cooperatives registered at the district industries center, kannur and that currently exist. The women industrial cooperatives are classified into two ie; group with network and another group without network. In Kannur there are 54 units working as women industrial cooperatives. One of the main problems the women cooperatives face is the lack of working capital followed marketing problem. The competition between cooperatives and private traders is very high. The variables examined to analyse the performance of women industrial cooperatives in Kannur showed that there exists inter unit differences in almost all the variables. The financial structure structure shows that the short term liquidity of women cooperatives in Kannur favour more the units which have political networks; but the long term financial coverage is seen to be highly geared in this group, not because of a decline is net worth but due to highly proportionate increase in financial liabilities in the form of borrowings. The encouragement given by the government through financial stake and other incentives has been the major factor in the formation and growth of women cooperatives. As a result both productivity and efficiency improves in the cooperatives. In short the present study helped to capture the impact, role and dynamics of networking in general and socio political network in particular in relation to intra and inter unit differences on the structure, growth and performance of women industrial cooperatives societies in Kannur district
Vasantha Kumari,P; Krishnan Nampoothiri,K N; James,Manalel(School of Management Studies, 2001)
This study deals with the working of Women’s Industrial Co-operative Societies (WICS) in Kerala. The formation of women’s co-operatives was identified as a lucrative enterprise and a feasible proposition for empowerment of women through encouraging and ensuring their active participation in the process of social and economic development. The problem of unemployment of Women and poverty in India can be tackled effectively only through suitable and appropriate self-employment schemes. WICS help to supplement the income of families and thus raise the standard of living. WICS in Kerala have a significant role in the elimination of industrial backwardness and mounting employment. This study focuses its attention on the performance aspects of WICS. It also gives an introduction to the co-operative movement and review of literature on industrial co-operatives in general and women’s industrial co-operatives in particular.