Thulaseedharan Nair, K; Dr.Bhasi, M(Cochin University of Science and Technology., September , 2008)
In India, Food Security meant supply of food grains and the medium was
Public Distribution System. Public Distribution System (PDS) is a rationing
mechanism that entitles households to specified quantities of selected
commodities at subsidized prices. The Objectives of PDS are maintaining Price
Stability, rationing during times of scarcity, welfare of the poor, and keeping a
check on private trade. Kerala has registered remarkable improvement in
poverty reduction in general over the years among all social sections, including
scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population.
As part of the structural adjustment intended to reduce public expenditure,
PDS has been modified as Revamped PDS (RPDS) during 1992 and later on as
Targeted PDS (TPDS) in 1997, intended to target households on the basis of
income criterion, classifying people as Below Poverty Line (BPL) and Above
Poverty Line (APL). TPDS provides 25Kg. of food gra.ins through the Fair Price
Shops per month @ Rs.3/- per Kg. of rice/ wheat to the BPL category and @Rs.8.90
and Rs.6.7O for rice and wheat respectively to the APL category of people.
Since TPDS is intended to target the poor people, the subsidy spent by the
government for the scheme should be beneficial to the poor people and
naturally they should utilize the benefits by purchasing the food grains
allotted under the scheme. Several studies have shown that there is underutilization
of the allotments under TPDS. Therefore, the extent of utilization of
TPDS in food grains, how and why remains as a major hurdle, in improving
the structure and system of PDS.
Livelihood of the tribal population being under threat due to increasing
degradation of the resources, the targeting system ought to be effective among
the tribal population. Therefore, performance of the TPDS in food grains, in
terms of the utilization by the tribal population in Kerala, impact thereof and
the factors, if any, affecting proper utilization were considered as the research
problem in this study.
The study concentrated on the pattern of consumption of food grains by the
tribal people, whether their hunger needs are met by distribution of food grains
through the TPDS, extent to which TPDS in food grains reduce their share of
expenditure on food in the total household expenditure, and the factors
affecting the utilization of the TPDS in food grains by the tribal population.
Going through the literature, it has been noted that only few studies concentrated
on the utilization of TPDS in food grains among the tribal population in Kerala.The Research Design used in this study is descriptive in nature, but
exploratory in some aspects. Idukki, Palakkad and Wayanad have more than
60% of the population of the tribals in the state. Within the three districts
mentioned above, 14 villages with scheduled tribe concentration were selected
for the study. 95 tribal colonies were selected from among the various tribal
settlements. Collection of primary data was made from 1231 households with
in the above tribal colonies.
Analysis of data on the socio-economic factors of the tribal people, pattern of food
consumption, extent of reduction in the share of expenditure on food among
the household expenditure of the tribal people and the impact of TPDS on the
tribal families etc. and testing of hypotheses to find out the
relation/association of each of the six variables, using the data on BPL and
APL categories of households separately have resulted in findings such as six
percent of the tribal families do not have Ration Cards, average per capita
consumption of food grains by the tribal people utilizing TPDS meets 62% of
their minimum requirement, whereas the per capita consumption of food
grains by the tribal people is higher than the national average per capita
consumption, 63% deficiency in food grains may be felt by tribal people in
general, if TPDS is withdrawn, and the deficit for BPL tribal people may be
82%, TPDS facilitates a reduction of 9.71% in the food expenditure among the
total household expenditure of the tribal people in general, share of food to
non-food among BPL category of tribals is 55:45 and 40:60 among the APL,
Variables, viz. household income, number of members in the family and distance
of FPS from tribal settlements etc. have influence on the quantity of rice being
purchased by the tribal people from the Fair Price Shops, and there is influence
of household income and distance of FPS from tribal settlements on the
quantity of rice being purchased by the tribal people from the open market.
Rationing with differential pricing on phased allotments, rectification of errors
in targeting, anomalies in norms and procedures for classifying tribal people
as BPL/APL, exclusive Income Generation for tribal population, paddy
cultivation in the landholdings possessed by the tribal people, special drive for
allotment of Ration Cards to the tribal people, especially those belonging to the
BPL category, Mobile Fair Price Shops in tribal settlements, ensure quality of
the food grains distributed through the TPDS, distribution of wheat flour in
packed condition instead of wheat through the Fair Price Shops are
recommended to address the shortcomings and weaknesses of the TPDS vis-avis
the tribal population in Kerala.
School of
Management Studies,
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Mammen, Chundamannil; Dr.George, K K(Cochin University of Science And Technology, May , 1997)
Teak plantations were initiated in Kerala in 1842, and extended almost
continuously. Among plantations raised by the Forest Department, teak
occupies the largest area and a substantial asset base has been created. Of
late, several teak growing private companies have come up offering investors
high returns from their plantations. However, no study has been carried out
in Kerala on the economic status of teak plantations in the government
forests and prospects of investing in teak plantation ventures in the private
sector. The present study is relevant in presenting the productivity status of
teak plantations in government forests in Kerala and its commercial
profitability. This will be useful to the government for planning management
strategies and investment priorities. The study will also serve as a base—line
information for comparative studies.
Division of economics, Kerala forest research institute
Ramakrishnan,Korakandy; Dr.Sankaranarayanan, K C(Cochin University Of Science And Technology, October 28, 1987)
Induction of growth in the primary marine
fishing industry of Kerala is a sine gua Qgn for improving
the economy of the fishermen, the state's domestic
product as well as earning more foreign exchange for the
country. The State Administration has been trying to
instil growth into the industry eversince the output
of the industry showed marked sign of decline (particularly
after 1975). Significantly, it has attempted to strengthen
the traditional sector, (which is considered to be the
crucial sector of the primary marine fishing industry of
the state) by introducing intermediate technology and by
revamping the organisational structure of the industry.
But it appears that the production system in the primary
marine fishing industry of Kerala has been severely
constrained by the existing technology, organisation of
production and marketing institutions. Regeneration of growth in the industry calls forth an understanding
of the 'process' of growth in the industry and the
need to réorganise it with new technology, and new
organisations. The present study is an attempt to
unraval the process of growth in the primary marine
fishing industry of Kerala since 1951
Department of Applied Economics
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Ajith Kumar,N; Dr.Sudarsanan, Pillai P(Cochin University of Science and Technology, October 26, 1994)
The present study describes in detail the major
technological advances in the rubber-growing industry in the lastfour decades. The major technological changes experienced in the rubber plantation industry during the period are the introduction of 'high yielding-planting materials, scientific application of fertilisers, use of pesticides, tapping during rainy season using‘rain guards, use of. yield stimulants and improved tapping methods
School of Management
Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
School of Management
Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Suresh, V N; Dr.Wilson, P R(Cochin University of Science And Technology, June , 2000)
Poor project planning, implementation and control and the subsequent cost and time overruns are ubiquitous features that have been posing serious concern at all levels - state, national and international. It results in wastage of the nation's scarce resources and retards the socio-economic progress. Although several studies peripheral on project overruns have been made at the national level, no serious attempt has been made at the state level to identify the magnitude of overruns, their causes and impacts on industrial projects. The present study "Time and Cost Overruns of Industrial Projects in Kerala" is an earnest attempt to probe in depth the time and cost overruns and their impact on industrial projects. The study places emphasise on the identification of the real reasons behind the cost and time overruns. It also covers the present project management practices of industrial projects in Kerala.
School of management studies, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Geo Baby; Dr. K. George Varghese(Cochin University of Science and Technology, December 22, 2016)
There are various studies conducted on transformational leadership
and learning organization. The term gets more importance in current
scenario as the technological advancement and many other factors made
organization unsustainable without learning culture. The objective of this
study was to identify relationship between transformational leadership and
learning organizations. The study was conducted in 27 organizations
inside Kerala and the tools used for the study are Multifactor leadership
questionnaire (MLQ) 21 items by Bernad M Bass and B J Avolio and the
Dimensions of learning organizations questionnaire (DLOQ) 43 items by
Watkins and Marsick. The study has used confirmatory factor analysis, one
way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and Canonical discriminant
function analysis for deriving the results. The result of this research proves
that, there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership
and learning organization. There is a significant positive impact of the factors
of Transformational leadership i.e. idealized influence, inspirational
motivation, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, contingent
reward, management by exception and laissez faire leadership in
discriminating high, medium and low learning organization.
Bhoodes, R.K.; Dr. Francis C.A.(Cochin University of Science and Technology, November , 2014)
Cashew is an important commodity traded across the continents and the
world cashew industry is the livelihood of more than three million people
worldwide, the majority of whom are womenfolk from the socially and
economically backward community of the developing nations. Cashew tree
was originally planted to prevent soil erosion and it was during the beginning
of the 19th century that cashew kernels attained the status of a food item.
Further, the cashew kernels attained the status of an international commodity
with India exporting its first consignment of cashew kernels to U.S.A. in 1920.
India was the first country to hit the world market with cashew as a
commodity and it was she who pioneered cashew processing as an industry.
For decades together India was enjoying a monopoly in the world cashew
industry in the fields of raw nut production (cultivation), processing and the
market share in the international trade. The liberalisation of international trade
has brought in a big transition in the world of cashew. India started to benefit
from the trade policy, that improved her supply positions of raw nuts from
other producing countries, accelerated her growth in processing of raw nuts
and exports of cashew kernels. On the other side, her domestic consumption
started growing up that by the beginning of the new century, she emerged out
as the world’s largest consumer of cashew kernels as well.
Philip,M P; George,K K(Department of Applied Economics, 2006)
The study documents the long-term trends in financial intermediation by the principal player in Kerala’s credit system i.e., banking. The process of financial intermediation by the banking system, involving mobilization of deposits from savers and disbursal of credit to investors, is considered to be crucial in the process of economic development. The objective of the study is to explore the interrelationship between financial intermediation and economic growth in Kerala. In order to pursue this objective, the study examine, the trends in intermediation by the banking system in Kerala over a long period, the trend and pattern of bank deposits and credit in the State and Kerala’s economic growth, the trend in the growth and performance of financial intermediaries like the All India Financial Institutions, the links between banking and economic variables, and the difference in the growth trends of banking and economic variables between Kerala and India and the probable reasons for the difference
Radhakrishnan, N; Dr.Meera Bai,M(Cochin University of Science and Technology, November 20, 2003)
Studies in urban water supply system are few in the state of Kerala.
It is a little researched area. In the case of water pricing a number of studies are
available. In Kerala state, exception to Jacob John’s study on “Economics of
Public Water Supply System”, which is a case study of Trivandrum Water Supply
System in 1997, no exhaustive research work has so far come out in this field.
loreover no indepth research study has come up, so far, relating to household
ater demand analysis and the distribution system of urban piped water supply.
he proposed study is first of its kind, which focuses on the distributional and
Iailability problems of piped water supply in an urban centre in Kerala state.
Hence there is a felt need for enquiring into the sufficiency of
)table water supplied to people in urban areas and the efficiency maintained in
roviding the scarce resource and preventing its misuse by the consumers. It is in
llS backdrop that this study was undertaken and its empirical part was conducted
|Calicut city in the state of Kerala. Study is confined to the water supply system
ithe city of Calicut
Department of Applied Economics,
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Thomas,C J; Dr.Ramachandra, Poduval P(Cochin University of Science And Technology, April , 1997)
The present study is on
value orientation of professional students•and as such the theoretical value is
inherent and implied. Variation on this value is likely to be limited among
the subjects.
The relevance of the present study is with particular reference, to
management as a profession. In organisational settings motivation plays an
important role. According to McClelland's theory of needs, achievement,
power, and affiliation are the three important needs that help in understanding
motivation. Achieve~ent need may be defined as the drive to excel, to achieve
in relation to a set of standards, and to strive to succeed. Some people have a
compelling drive to succeed. They have a desire to do something better or
more efficiently than it has been done before. McClelland found that high
achievers differentiate themselves from others by their desire to do things
. better. Considering this fact, 'achievement' is included as one of the values
for the study
School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology