Studies on Fluxon Dynamics in Coupled Josephson Junctions

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Studies on Fluxon Dynamics in Coupled Josephson Junctions

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Title: Studies on Fluxon Dynamics in Coupled Josephson Junctions
Author: Shaju,P D; Kuriakose, V C
Abstract: The thesis deals with detailed theoretical analysis of fluxon dynamics in single and in coupled Josephson junctions of different geometries under various internal and external conditions. The main objective of the present work is to investigate the properties of narrow Long Josephson junctions (LJJs) and to discuss the intriguing physics. In this thesis, Josephson junctions of three types of geometries, viz, rectangular, semiannular and quarter annular geometries in single and coupled format are studied to implement various fluxon based devices. Studies presented in this thesis reveal that mulistacked junctions are extremely useful in the fabrication of various super conducting electronic devices. The stability of the dynamical mode and therefore the operational stability of the proposed devices depend on parameters such as coupling strength, external magnetic fields, damping parameters etc. Stacked junctions offer a promising way to construct high-TC superconducting electronic components. Exploring the complex dynamics of fluxons in coupled junctions is a challenging and important task for the future experimental and theoretical investigations
Date: 2002

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