Sheeja, N K; Santha Devi, Antherjanam(INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad, March , 2008)
Information is knowledge, facts or data. For the purpose of enabling the users to assimilate information,
it should be repacked. Knowledge becomes information when it is externalized i.e. put in to the
process of communication. The effectiveness of communication technology depends how well it
provides its clients with information rapidly, economically and authentically. A large number of ICT
enabled services including OPAC; e-resources etc. are available in the university library. Studies
have been done to find the impact of ICT on different sections of CUSAT library by observing the
activities of different sections; discussions with colleagues and visitors; and analyzing the entries in
the library records. The results of the studies are presented here in the form of a paper.
6th International CALIBER-2008, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, February 28-29 & March1, 2008