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Dyuthi @ CUSAT >
Polymer Science and Rubber Technology >
Faculty >
Dr. Sunil K Narayanankutty >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/905

Title: Studies on the curing of short polyester fiber-polyurethane elastomer composite with different interfacial bonding agents
Authors: Sunil,K Narayanankutty
Keywords: cure characteristics
bonding agents
fiber matrix
hydrated silica
TP resin
polypropylene glycol
Issue Date: 7-Feb-1995
Abstract: The cure characteristics of short fiber-polyurethane elastomer were studied with respect to different fiber-matrix bonding agents. A hexamethylenetetramine- resorcinol -hydrated silica based bonding agent was found to affect the stability of the composite. A new bonding agent, TP resin, based on polymeric toluenediisocyanate and polypropylene glycol has been developed. Cure characteristics of the composite with and without TP resin at different fiber loadings were also compared. Minimum torque, scorch time and optimum cure time increased with fiber content. Maximum torque was consistently higher with TP resin at all fiber loadings.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/905
Appears in Collections:Dr. Sunil K Narayanankutty

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