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Dyuthi @ CUSAT >
Polymer Science and Rubber Technology >
Faculty >
Dr. Sunil K Narayanankutty >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/889

Title: Studies - on Maleic Anhydride Grafted Reclaimed Rubber/Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Blends
Authors: Sunil,K Narayanankutty
Keywords: Blend
Acrylonitrile rubber
abrasion resistance
tensile strength
compression set
Issue Date: 30-Jan-2003
Abstract: Blends of Acrylonitrile rubber with Maleic anhydride grafted Whole Tyre Reclaim WTR (MA-g-WTR) have been prepared and the cure and mechanical properties have been studied with respect to reclaim content. Control compounds containing unmodified WTR were also prepared for comparison. Grafting was confirmed by IR studies. Blends containing grafted WTR showed higher minimum torque and (max-min) torque. They also showed longer cure time, scorch time and lower cure rate. Grafting of the WTR with maleic anhydride also resulted in the improved tensile strength, abrasion resistance, compression set and resilience. However, the heat build up under dynamic loading was marginally higher for the blends containing grafted reclaimed rubber.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/889
Appears in Collections:Dr. Sunil K Narayanankutty

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