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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/774

Title: Phosphatases from Bacteria Isolated from the Arabian Sea and Cochin Estuary
Authors: Sreevalsam,Gopinath
Saramma, A V
Keywords: Phosphatases
Baird Parker’s method
method of Reichardt
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2002
Publisher: Faculty of Marine biology
Abstract: This study aims to reveal the ability of bacteria isolated from Cochin estuary and the Arabian Sea to produce phosphatases, important characters of the enzymes, its ability to utilize organophosphorus compounds as source of phosphate and also their role in degradation of organophosphorus pesticides. It deals with isolation, identification and screening of bacteria for phosphatase production, and it describes the effect of cultural conditions on growth and phosphatase production. The effect of various factors like pH, NaCl concentration, temperature of incubation, carbon source, period of incubation etc. on growth and phosphatase production by the two selected species were studied to establish suitable environment for phosphatase production by these bacteria. In this study regulation of phosphatase synthesis, characteristics of acid and alkaline phosphatases are discussed.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/774
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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