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Title: A Study Of Frames In The Fuzzy And Intuitionist Fuzzy Contexts
Authors: Rajesh,K Thumabakara
Keywords: Fuzzy set theory
Intuitionistic Fuzzy sets
Fuzzy frames
Issue Date: Mar-2006
Publisher: Department of Mathematics
Abstract: The fuzzy set theory has a wider scope of applicability than classical set theory in solving various problems. Fuzzy set theory in the last three decades as a formal theory which got formalized by generalizing the original ideas and concepts in classical mathematical areas and as a very powerful modeling language, that can cope with a large fraction of uncertainties of real life situations. In Intuitionistic Fuzzy sets a new component degree of non membership in addition to the degree of membership in the case of fuzzy sets with the requirement that their sum be less than or equal to one. The main objective of this thesis is to study frames in Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy contexts. The thesis proved some results such as ifµ is a fuzzy subset of a frame F, then µ is a fuzzy frame of F iff each non-empty level subset µt of µ is a subframe of F, the category Fuzzfrm of fuzzy frames has products and the category Fuzzfrm of fuzzy frames is complete. It define a fuzzy-quotient frame of F to be a fuzzy partition of F, that is, a subset of IF and having a frame structure with respect to new operations and study the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy frames and obtain some results and introduce the concept of Intuitionistic fuzzy Quotient frames. Finally it establish the categorical link between frames and intuitionistic fuzzy topologies.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/752
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Sciences

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