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Title: Gender Issues in Development
Other Titles: Impact of Shift in Cropping Pattern in Kerala on Employment of Women, Family Income and Consumption
Authors: Lalithabhai,K N
Sankaranarayanan,K C
Keywords: Women studies
Women employment
Family consumption
Agriculture employment
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: Women participating in work outside home and the resultant change in Labour market structure placeing female labour as a strong component were breakthrough of twentieth centry. The major share of women labourers in India is crowding in agriculture, household industries and other traditional sectors. Shift in cropping pattern has adverse impacts on female labour. Female labour lost opportunities in the labour market this has adverse impact on family consumption. The study is directed to investigate the impact of female labour saving shift in cropping on female labour force participation and the resultant change in household consumption pattern the specific objectives this study are impact of change in the cropping pattern on employment, change female employment, family consumption pattern and changing situations of womenlabour in agriculture sector.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/53
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences

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