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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/528

Title: Decreased 5-F{T1fti Receor Gene Expression and 5-F4T11 Receptor Protein in the Cerebra'' Cortex and Brain Stem during Pancreatic Regenera tion in Rats
Authors: Mohanan,Valiyaveettil
Balarama Kaimal,S
Paulose, Cheramadathikudyil S
Keywords: Panereatectomy
Cerebra l cortex
Brain stem
5-HTa,5 receptor
Issue Date: 30-Aug-2004
Publisher: Department of Bio Technology
Abstract: The present study was to investigate the rote of central 5-11T and 5-HT,:v receptor Lindin4o and acne expression in it 'at mo(lel of pancreatic regeneration using 60" -, pancreatcutumy. The pancreatic regeneration was evaluated by 5-HT content and 5-HT,,receptor gene expression in the cerebral cortex (CC) and brain stem MS) of Alain opcrate,t, 7 It utd 7 (.lays panereatectomised rats. 5-11T content significantly increased in the CC' (I' 1.1)11 and 13S (P 0.05) of 72 Ii p.ntcreateetomiscd rats. Sympathetic activity was decreased as indicated by the significantly decreased norcpiuephrine (NIi) and epinephrine (FTI) Icvcl (1' < 0.001 and P < 0.05) in the plasma of 72 h panereateetomised rats. 5-111 ,^, receptor density and affinity was decreased in the CC (P < 0.01) and BS (P < 0.01). These rh:)nge; correlated with a diminished 5-IITIA receptor mRNA expression in the brain region. studied. Our resuils suggest that the brain 5-11T through 5-HTin receptor has it funcuon:0 rule iii 11w pi+ncreatic regcner:ttion through the sympathetic regulation.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/528
Appears in Collections:Dr.C S Paulose

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