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Title: Sustainability of Medicinal Plants in Kerala Economic Considerations in Domestication and Conservation of Forest Resources
Authors: Annie Abraham,S
Meera Bai,M
Keywords: sustainability of medicinal plants
forest resources
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Department of Applied Economics
Abstract: The present study on the sustainability of medicinal plants in Kerala economic considerations in domestication and conservation of forest resources. There is worldwide consensus on the fact that medicinal plants are important not only in the local health support systems but in rural income and foreign exchange earnings. Sustainability of medicinal plants is important for the survival of forest dwellers, the forest ecosystem, conserving a heritage of human knowledge and overall development through linkages. More equitable sharing of the benefits from commercial utilization of the medicinal plants was found essential for the sustainability of the plants. Cultivation is very crucial for the sustainability of the sector. Through a direct tie-up with the industry, the societies can earn more income and repatriate better collection charges to its members. Cultivation should be carried out in wastelands, tiger reserves and in plantation forests. In short, the various players in the in the sector could find solution to their specific problems through co-operation and networking among them. They should rely on self-help rather than urging the government to take care of their needs. As far as the government is concerned, the forest department through checking over- exploitation of wild plants and the Agriculture Dept. through encouraging cultivation could contribute to the sustainable development of the medicinal plant sector.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/52
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences

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