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Title: Pre Owned Car Market in Kerala: A Model Linking Attitudes, Product and Dealer related Factors to Post Purchase Behaviour
Authors: Deepthi Sankar
Dr. Zakkariya K.A.
Keywords: Car Market
Pre owned Car Market
Pre owned Car Market in India
Pre owned Car Market Abroad
Post Purchase Behaviour
Consumer Behaviour
Issue Date: 24-Jun-2016
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: Post purchase behaviour is the response of a consumer after purchasing a product. This is influenced by attitudes, product and dealer related factors, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control.Realising the significance of these factors on the marketing strategies of a product, the present research is undertaken to study the influence of these factors on the post purchase behaviour of consumers of pre owned cars in Kerala. This work also identifies the profile of pre-owned car consumers of Kerala. The specific objectives are a) To identify the demographic profile of consumers who purchased pre owned cars b) To study the relationship between product related factors and consumer attitude towards the purchase of pre owned cars c) to study the relationship between dealer related factors and consumer attitude towards the purchase of pre owned cars d) To analyse the relationship between consumers’ attitude and post purchase behavior e) To analyse the relationship between subjective norms and post purchase behavior and f) To analyse the relationship between perceived behavioural control and post purchase behaviour The study is confined to consumers who own and use pre owned cars purchased from authorised dealers in Kerala. The study was based on field research and made use of both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from 750 respondents distributed in five districts of Kerala. The study found that product and dealer related factors plays a vital role in shaping attitude of consumers towards pre owned cars which in turn influence the repurchase intention and decision to recommend to friends and relatives. Repurchase intention of pre owned car consumers are significantly influenced by the subjective norms and perceived behavioural control. This study would help marketers to understand the post purchase behaviour of pre owned car consumers and formulate the marketing strategies accordingly.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/5159
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences

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