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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/5081

Title: Morphologically Diverse Cerium Oxide Nanostructures and Nanofields for Multi functional applications.
Authors: Sree Remya, T. S.
Dr. Swapankumar Ghosh
Keywords: Nanotechnology
Cerium dioxide (CeO2)
Glass polishing
Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP)
Electron microscopy
X-Ray diffraction analysis
XPS and Raman spectral analyses
Issue Date: 12-Feb-2015
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: The prospective impact of nanomaterials in science and technology has followed an increasing trend due to their unique chemical and physical properties compared to bulk. Significant advances in current technologies in areas such as clean energy production, electronics, medicine, and environment have fuelled major research and development efforts in nanotechnology around the world. This leads to the opportunity to use such nanostructured materials in novel applications and devices. Ceria, zirconia, alumina and titania are some of the major oxides which find vast applications as a nanomaterial on a wider side.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/5081
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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