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Title: Evaluation of Stress Reducing Capacity of Selected Anaesthetics for the Live Transportation of Green Chromide Etroplus suratensis
Authors: Sindhu, M.C
Dr. A. Ramachandran
Keywords: Fisheries
Transportation of Fishes
Transportation of juveniles of Etroplus suratensis
Water Quality
Haematological studies
Issue Date: Feb-2015
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: Transport of live aquatic organisms which is more than a century old, perhaps started in the 1870's (Norris et al, 1960). Live fish transportation is an essential practice in aquaculture particularly in rural areas of developing countries representing the only means of supplying fry to small scale aqua culturists (Taylor and Ross, 1988). Very often, large numbers of fry, fingerlings, juveniles and adult fish are being transported from the hatchery to fish farms, fish farms to market, processors and consumers. Live fish command large economic importance in the fresh fish market than dead and iced fish. Medina Pizzali (2001) observed that live fish in the Kolkata market was usually sold at higher prices than dead fish and most consumers were prepared to pay premium prices for live fish, which is considered as the best guarantee of freshness, quality, and intrinsic characteristics of its flesh (better texture and delicate flavour) in comparison with fresh/chilled seafood. Various government and private agencies undertake transport of live fish for commercial live fish market or for artificial propagation of game
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/5057
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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