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Title: SMOB
Authors: .Dr. A. A. Mohamed Hatha
Dr. Rosamma, Philip
Mr. Solly, Solomon
Dr. A. V. Saramma
Dr. Sajeevan T.P
Keywords: Marine Biology, Bio chemistry Microbiology
Issue Date: 6-Feb-2015
Series/Report no.: News Letter;
Abstract: Activities of SOMB got off to an impactful start with ‘Shramdhan’ programme on world Environment Day. SOMB members actively participated in a campus cleaning drive at Lakeside Campus. Members also organised a tree planting programme on this day and planted few fruit trees at the marine sciences campus. We also had couple of high profile faculty members delivering lectures to SOMB community. This included Dr. Pattanathu Rahman, Sr. Lecturer and Programme Leader of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Group at Teeside University, UK; Dr. Dr.Velerie Vasilakov, Vladivostok State University, Russia; Dr. Sunil Kumar George, Research Scientist, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Winston Salem, NC, USA and Prof. Kalliathe Padmanabhan, Department of Biochemistry, Michigan State University, USA.
Description: News letter from Marine Biology departement
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4908
Appears in Collections:SOMB

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