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Dr.Eby Thomas Thachil >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4718

Title: Characterization of Linear Low-Density Polyethylene/ Poly(vinyl alcohol) Blends and Their Biodegradability by Vibrio sp. Isolated from Marine Benthic Environment
Authors: Eby Thomas, Thachil
Sarita, Bhat G
Raghul Subin, S
Vidya, Francis
Keywords: biodegradable
vibrio sp
poly(vinyl alcohol)
differential scanning calorimetry
Issue Date: 4-Oct-2011
Publisher: Wiley Online Library
Abstract: Increasing amounts of plastic waste in the environment have become a problem of gigantic proportions. The case of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is especially significant as it is widely used for packaging and other applications. This synthetic polymer is normally not biodegradable until it is degraded into low molecular mass fragments that can be assimilated by microorganisms. Blends of nonbiodegradable polymers and biodegradable commercial polymers such as poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) can facilitate a reduction in the volume of plastic waste when they undergo partial degradation. Further, the remaining fragments stand a greater chance of undergoing biodegradation in a much shorter span of time. In this investigation, LLDPE was blended with different proportions of PVA (5–30%) in a torque rheometer. Mechanical, thermal, and biodegradation studies were carried out on the blends. The biodegradability of LLDPE/PVA blends has been studied in two environments: (1) in a culture medium containing Vibrio sp. and (2) soil environment, both over a period of 15 weeks. Blends exposed to culture medium degraded more than that exposed to soil environment. Changes in various properties of LLDPE/PVA blends before and after degradation were monitored using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) for crystallinity, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for surface morphology among other things. Percentage crystallinity decreased as the PVA content increased and biodegradation resulted in an increase of crystallinity in LLDPE/PVA blends. The results prove that partial biodegradation of the blends has occurred holding promise for an eventual biodegradable product
Description: Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 124, 257–265 (2012)
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4718
Appears in Collections:Dr.Eby Thomas Thachil

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Characterization of Linear Low-Density PolyethylenePoly(vinyl alcohol) Blends and Their Biodegradability byVibrio sp. Isolated from Marine Benthic Environment.pdfpdf1.17 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
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