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Title: A Comparative Study Of Tensile And Microstructural Characteristics Of Friction Welded Joints And Conventionally Welded Joints Of Aluminium Alloy 6061
Authors: Narayanan, K P
Baiju, Sasidharan
Aneesh, K N
Issue Date: Dec-2013
Publisher: IJIRSET
Abstract: Welding of high strength and low weight materials like Aluminium Alloys without any defects by conventional welding techniques is a major challenge in industries. Hence research on solid state welding techniques like Friction stir welding and Friction welding techniques have got much importance in joining of Aluminium alloys. However most of the industries are not changing conventional techniques as skilled workers are available on that area. Most common conventional welding techniques used for joining of Aluminium alloys are Gas welding and Arc welding. Friction welding is a solid-state welding process that generates heat through mechanical friction between a moving and a stationary component with the addition of a lateral force called “upset” to plast ically displace and fuse the materials. In this work, experimental study on tensile and micro structural characteristics of welded joints formed from conventional welding techniques and Rotary friction welding(suitable for weld specimens with circular cross section) has been carried out and the same were compared. The process parameters for arc welding used was 50-70 Amp reverse polarity DC and electrodes of 2.3mm diameter. In Gas welding, the parameters were oxy acetylene neural flame at 3200°C and 3mm electrodes . In the case of friction welding an axial pressure loading of 3Mpa with 5 MPa as upsetting pressure and 500 rpm were used to obtain good welded joints. Tensile characteristic studies of Arc welded joints and Gas welded joints showed 48% and 60 % variations respectively from the maximum load bearing characteristics of parent metal. In the case of friction welded joint, the variation was found to 46%. Micro structural evaluation of conventionally welded joints exhibited clear distinct zones of various weld regions. In the case of friction welded joint micro structural photographs showed comparable features both in parent metal and welded region. Thus the tensile characteristic study and microstructure evaluations proved that friction welded joints are good in both aspects compared to conventionally welded joints.
Description: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,Volume 2, Special Issue 1, December 2013
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4677
ISSN: ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710
Appears in Collections:Dr. K P Narayanan

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