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Title: Some Generalizations of Fuzzy Metrizability
Authors: Sreekumar, R
Chakravarti, R S
Keywords: Fuzzy metrizability
Fuzzy submetrizability
Fuzzy w-spaces
Fuzzy Moore spaces, fuzzy M-spaces, fuzzy k-spaces, fuzzy -spaces,
Fuzzy P-spaces
Fuzzy -spaces
Fuzzy k-spaces
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
Abstract: The main purpose of the study is to extent concept of the class of spaces called ‘generalized metric spaces’ to fuzzy context and investigates its properties. Any class of spaces defined by a property possessed by all metric spaces could technically be called as a class of ‘generalized metric spaces’. But the term is meant for classes, which are ‘close’ to metrizable spaces in some under certain kinds of mappings. The theory of generalized metric spaces is closely related to ‘metrization theory’. The class of spaces likes Morita’s M- spaces, Borges’s w-spaces, Arhangelskii’s p-spaces, Okuyama’s  spaces have major roles in the theory of generalized metric spaces. The thesis introduces fuzzy metrizable spaces, fuzzy submetrizable spaces and proves some characterizations of fuzzy submetrizable spaces, and also the fuzzy generalized metric spaces like fuzzy w-spaces, fuzzy Moore spaces, fuzzy M-spaces, fuzzy k-spaces, fuzzy -spaces study of their properties, prove some equivalent conditions for fuzzy p-spaces. The concept of a network is one of the most useful tools in the theory of generalized metric spaces. The -spaces is a class of generalized metric spaces having a network.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/46
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Sciences

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