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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4575

Title: Texture Description of low grade and high grade Glioma using Statistical features in Brain MRIs
Authors: Tessamma, Thomas
Ananda Resmi, S
Keywords: Glioma
Region of Interest
First order statistics
Grey Level Co-occurance matrix
Issue Date: Nov-2010
Publisher: ACEEE
Abstract: Low grade and High grade Gliomas are tumors that originate in the glial cells. The main challenge in brain tumor diagnosis is whether a tumor is benign or malignant, primary or metastatic and low or high grade. Based on the patient's MRI, a radiologist could not differentiate whether it is a low grade Glioma or a high grade Glioma. Because both of these are almost visually similar, autopsy confirms the diagnosis of low grade with high-grade and infiltrative features. In this paper, textural description of Grade I and grade III Glioma are extracted using First order statistics and Gray Level Co-occurance Matrix Method (GLCM). Textural features are extracted from 16X16 sub image of the segmented Region of Interest(ROI) .In the proposed method, first order statistical features such as contrast, Intensity , Entropy, Kurtosis and spectral energy and GLCM features extracted were showed promising results. The ranges of these first order statistics and GLCM based features extracted are highly discriminant between grade I and Grade III. In this study which gives statistical textural information of grade I and grade III Glioma which is very useful for further classification and analysis and thus assisting Radiologist in greater extent.
Description: Int. J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, Nov 2010
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4575
Appears in Collections:Dr.Tessamma Thomas

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