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School of Management Studies >
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Dr.Jagathy Raj V P >

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Title: Conceptualisation Of Model For Studying Consumer Purchase Behaviour Of Passenger Cars
Authors: Jagathy Raj, V P
Balakrishnan, Menon
Keywords: Consumer Behaviour Patterns
Customer Loyalty
External Influence
Brand Community
Family Influence
Customer Satisfaction
Issue Date: Sep-2011
Publisher: IJRFM
Abstract: Automobile Industry in India is influenced by the presence of national and multi-national manufacturers. The presence of many manufacturers and brands in the state provides many choices to the customer. The current market for car manufacturers has been transformed from a monopoly of one or two manufacturers in the seventies to oligopoly of many manufacturers in the current marketing scenario. The main objective of the research paper is to explore and conceptualize various parameters and develop a model, which influence the purchase patterns of passenger cars in the State of Kerala. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to come up with a model, which shall facilitate further study on the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala, India. The author intends to undertake further quantitative analysis to verify and validate the model so developed. The main methods used for this paper are secondary research on available material, depth interview of car dealers, car financing agencies and car owners in the city of Cochin, in Kerala State in India. The depth interviews were conducted with the use of prepared questionnaire for car dealers, car customers and car financing agencies. The findings resulted in the identification of the parameters that influence the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger cars and the formulation of the model, which will be the basis for the further research of the author. The paper will be of tremendous value to the existing and new car manufacturers both indigenous and foreign, to formalize and strategies their policies towards an effective marketing strategy, so as to market their models in the State, which is known for its high literacy, consumerism and higher educational penetration
Description: IJRFM Volume 1, Issue 5 (September, 2011)
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4493
ISSN: 2231-5985
Appears in Collections:Dr.Jagathy Raj V P

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