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Marine Biology, Micro Biology & Bio Chemistry >
Faculty >
Dr. Bijoy S Nandan >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4445

Title: Length-weight relationship, relative condition factor (Kn) and morphometry of Arius subrostratus (Valenciennes, 1840) from a coastal wetland in Kerala
Authors: Bijoy, Nandan S
Ambily, V
Keywords: Arius subrostratus
Condition factor
Length-weight relationship
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: The length – weight relationship and relative condition factor of the shovel nose catfish, Arius subrostratus (Valenciennes, 1840) from Champakkara backwater were studied by examination of 392 specimens collected during June to September 2008. These fishes ranged from 6 to 29 cm in total length and 5.6 to 218 g in weight. The relation between the total length and weight of Arius subrostratus is described as Log W = -1.530+2.6224 log L for males, Log W = - 2.131 + 3.0914 log L for females and Log W = - 1.742 + 2.8067 log L for sexes combined. The mean relative condition factor (Kn) values ranged from 0.75 to 1.07 for males, 0.944 to 1.407 for females and 0.96 to 1.196 for combined sexes. The length-weight relationship and relative condition factor showed that the well-being of A. subrostratus is good. The morphometric measurements of various body parts and meristic counts were recorded. The morphometric measurements were found to be non-linear and there is no significant difference observed between the two sexes. From the present investigation, the fin formula can be written as D: I, 7; P: I, 12; A: 17 – 20; C: 26 – 32. There is no change in meristic counts with the increase in body length.
Description: Indian J. Fish., 57(4) : 39-44, 2010
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4445
Appears in Collections:Dr. Bijoy S Nandan

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