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Dr. M R Anantharaman >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4426

Title: Flexible microwave absorbers based on barium hexaferrite, carbon black, and nitrile rubber for 2–12 GHz applications
Authors: Anantharaman, M R
Vinayasree, S
Soloman, M A
Vijutha, Sunny
Mohanan, P
Joy, P A
Philip, Kurian
Issue Date: 9-Jul-2014
Publisher: AIP Publishing
Abstract: Flexile single layer electromagnetic wave absorbers were designed by incorporating appropriate amounts of carbon black in a nitrile butadiene rubber matrix along with an optimized amount of magnetic counterpart, namely, barium hexaferrite for applications in S, C, and X-bands. Effective dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability were measured using cavity perturbation method in the frequency range of 2–12 GHz. The microwave absorbing characteristics of the composites were studied in the S, C, and X-bands employing a model in which an electromagnetic wave is incident normally on a metal terminated single layer. Reflection loss exceeding 20 dB is obtained for all the samples in a wide frequency range of 2–12 GHz when an appropriate absorber thickness between 5 and 9mm is chosen. The impact of carbon black is clearly observed in the optimized composites on the mechanical strength, thickness, band width of absorption, dielectric properties,
Description: J. Appl. Phys. 116, 024902 (2014)
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4426
Appears in Collections:Dr. M R Anantharaman

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