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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4424

Title: Cure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Rubber Ferrite Composites Based on Nano-Nickel Ferrites
Authors: Anantharaman, M R
Mathew, George
Philip, Kurian
Keywords: composites
crystal structures
magnetic polymers
Issue Date: 22-Sep-2010
Publisher: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company
Abstract: Ultra fine nickel ferrite have been synthesized by the sol-gel method. By heat treating different portions of the prepared powder separately at different temperatures, nano-sized particles of nickel ferrite with varying particle sizes were obtained. These powders were characterised by the X-ray diffraction and then incorporated in the nitrile rubber matrix according to a specific recipe for various loadings. The cure characteristics and the mechanical properties of these rubber ferrite composites (RFCs) were evaluated. The effect of loading and the grain size of the filler on the cure characteristics and tensile properties were also evaluated. It is found that the grain size and porosity of the filler plays a vital role in determining the mechanical properties of the RFCs
Description: Journal ofAppliedPolymer Science,Vol. 119, 3019–3025 (2011)
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4424
Appears in Collections:Dr. M R Anantharaman

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