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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4386

Title: Surface evolution of amorphous nanocolumns of Fe–Ni grown by oblique angle deposition
Authors: Anantharaman, M R
Senoy, Thomas
Al-Harthi, S H
Ramanujan, R V
Zhao, Bangchuan
Liu, Yan
Wang, Lan
Issue Date: 10-Feb-2009
Publisher: AIP Publishing
Abstract: The growth of Fe–Ni based amorphous nanocolumns has been studied using atomic force microscopy. The root mean square roughness of the film surface increased with the deposition time but showed a little change at higher deposition time. It was found that the separation between the nanostructures increased sharply during the initial stages of growth and the change was less pronounced at higher deposition time. During the initial stages of the column growth, a roughening process due to self shadowing is dominant and, as the deposition time increases, a smoothening mechanism takes place due to the surface diffusion of adatoms
Description: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 94, 063110 2009
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4386
Appears in Collections:Dr. M R Anantharaman

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