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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4378

Title: Processability, hardness, andmagnetic properties of rubber ferrite composites containingmanganese zinc ferrites
Authors: Anantharaman, M R
Mohamed, E M
Malini, K A
Joy, P A
Kulkarni, S D
Date, S K
Kurian, P
Issue Date: 2-Mar-2002
Publisher: Institute of Materials, published by Maney Publishing
Abstract: Rubber ferrite composites have the unique advantage of mouldability, which is not easily obtainable using ceramic magnetic materials. The incorporation of mixed ferrites in appropriate weight ratios into the rubber matrix not only modi es the dielectric properties of the composite but also imparts magnetic properties to it. Mixed ferrites belonging to the series of Mn(1 – x )Znx Fe2O4 have been synthesised with diVerent values of x in steps of 0·2, using conventional ceramic processing techniques. Rubber ferrite composites were prepared by the incorporation of these pre-characterised polycrystallineMn(1 – x )Znx Fe2O4 ceramics into a natural rubber matrix at diVerent loadings according to a speci c recipe. The processability of these elastomers was determined by investigating their cure characteristics. The magnetic properties of the ceramic llers as well as of the rubber ferrite composites were evaluated and the results were correlated. Studies of the magnetic properties of these rubber ferrite composites indicate that the magnetisation increases with loading of the ller without changing the coercive eld. The hardness of these composites shows a steady increase with the loading of the magnetic llers. The evaluation of hardness andmagnetic characteristics indicates that composites with optimummagnetisation and almost minimum stiVness can be achieved with a maximum loading of 120 phr of the ller at x=0·4. From the data on the magnetisation of the composites, a simple relationship connecting the magnetisation of the rubber ferrite composite and the ller was formulated. This can be used to synthesise rubber ferrite composites with predetermined magnetic properties
Description: Plastics, rubber and composites,vol 31,issue 3,pp 106-113
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4378
Appears in Collections:Dr. M R Anantharaman

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