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Dr.Sreeraj M >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4315

Title: Hybrid Background Subtraction in Video using Bi-level CodeBook Model
Authors: Sreeraj, M
Soumya, Varma
Keywords: Background Subtraction
Codebook Model
Foreground Detection DCT
Issue Date: 17-Feb-2014
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: Detection of Objects in Video is a highly demanding area of research. The Background Subtraction Algorithms can yield better results in Foreground Object Detection. This work presents a Hybrid CodeBook based Background Subtraction to extract the foreground ROI from the background. Codebooks are used to store compressed information by demanding lesser memory usage and high speedy processing. This Hybrid method which uses Block-Based and Pixel-Based Codebooks provide efficient detection results; the high speed processing capability of block based background subtraction as well as high Precision Rate of pixel based background subtraction are exploited to yield an efficient Background Subtraction System. The Block stage produces a coarse foreground area, which is then refined by the Pixel stage. The system’s performance is evaluated with different block sizes and with different block descriptors like 2D-DCT, FFT etc. The Experimental analysis based on statistical measurements yields precision, recall, similarity and F measure of the hybrid system as 88.74%, 91.09%, 81.66% and 89.90% respectively, and thus proves the efficiency of the novel system.
Description: Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT), 2014 Fifth International Conference on the
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4315
Appears in Collections:Dr.Sreeraj M

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