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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4274

Title: Some Properties of Weighted Distributions in the Context of Repairable Systems
Authors: Sunoj, S M
Maya, S S
Keywords: Maintainability function
Reversed hazard rate
Weighted distributions.
Issue Date: 19-Aug-2006
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: In this article we introduce some structural relationships between weighted and original variables in the context of maintainability function and reversed repair rate. Furthermore, we prove some characterization theorems for specific models such as power, exponential, Pareto II, beta, and Pearson system of distributions using the relationships between the original and weighted random variables
Description: Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 35: 223–228, 2006
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4274
ISSN: 0361-0926 print/1532-415X online
Appears in Collections:Dr.Sunoj, S M

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