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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4257

Title: Protease inhibitor from Moringa oleifera leaves: Isolation, purification, and characterization
Authors: Bijina, B
Sreeja, Chellappan
Soorej, Basheer M
Elyas, K K
Ali, Bahkali H
Keywords: Moringa oleifera
Protease inhibitor
Reverse zymography
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Protease inhibitors have great demand in medicine and biotechnology. We report here the purification and characterization of a protease inhibitor isolated from mature leaf extract of Moringa oleifera that showed maximum inhibitor activity. The protease inhibitor was purified to 41.4-fold by Sephadex G75 and its molecular mass was calculated as 23,600 Da. Inhibitory activity was confirmed by dot-blot and reverse zymogram analyses. Glycine, glutamic acid, alanine, proline and aspartic acid were found as the major amino acids of the inhibitor protein. Maximal activity was recorded at pH 7 and at 40 ◦C. The inhibitor was stable over pH 5–10; and at 50 ◦C for 2 h. Thermostability was promoted by CaCl2, BSA and sucrose. Addition of Zn2+ and Mg2+, SDS, dithiothreitol and -mercaptoethanol enhanced inhibitory activity, while DMSO and H2O2 affected inhibitory activity. Modification of amino acids at the catalytic site by PMSF and DEPC led to an enhancement in the inhibitory activity. Stoichiometry of trypsin–protease inhibitor interaction was 1:1.5 and 0.6 nM of inhibitor effected 50% inhibition. The low Ki value (1.5 nM) obtained indicated scope for utilization of M. oliefera protease inhibitor against serine proteases
Description: Process Biochemistry 46 (2011) 2291–2300
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4257
Appears in Collections:Dr. M Chandrasekharan

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