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Dr. M Chandrasekharan >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4246

Title: Short Communication: Polystyrene-an inert carrier for L·glutaminase production by marine Vibrio costico/a under selld-state fermentation
Authors: Chandrasekaran, M
Nagendra, Prabhu G
Keywords: L-Glutaminase
inert support
marine bacteria
solid-state fennentation.
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: Rapid Science Publishers
Abstract: Polystyrene beads, impregnated with mineral salts/glutamine medium as inert support, were used to produce L-glutaminase from Vibrio costicola by solid-state fermentation. Maximum enzyme yield, 88 U/g substrate, was after 36 h. Glucose at 10 g/kg enhanced the enzyme yield by 66%. The support system allowed glutaminase to be recovered with higher specific activity and lower viscosity than when a wheat-bran system was used
Description: World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 11,683-684
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4246
Appears in Collections:Dr. M Chandrasekharan

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