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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4239

Title: Impact of process parameters on chitinase production by an alkalophilic marine Beau6eria bassiana in solid state fermentation
Authors: Chandrasekaran, M
Suresh, P V
Keywords: Beauveria bassiana
Marine fungus
Process parameters
Solid state fermentation
Wheat bran
Issue Date: 23-Jun-1998
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: A chitinolytic fungus, Beau6eria bassiana was isolated from marine sediment and significant process parameters influencing chitinase production in solid state fermentation using wheat bran were optimised. The organism was strongly alkalophilic and produced maximum chitinase at pH 9·20. The NaCl and colloidal chitin requirements varied with the type of moistening medium used. Vegetative (mycelial) inoculum was more suitable than conidial inoculum for obtaining maximal enzyme yield. The addition of phosphate and yeast extract resulted in enhancement of chitinase yield. After optimisation, the maximum enzyme yield was 246·6 units g 1 initial dry substrate (U gIDS 1). This is the first report of the production of chitinase from a marine fungus.
Description: Process Biochemistry 34 (1999) 257–267
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4239
Appears in Collections:Dr. M Chandrasekharan

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