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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4238

Title: Banana waste as substrate for a-amylase production by Bacillus subtilis (CBTK 106) under solid-state fermentation
Authors: Chandrasekaran, M
Krishna, C
Issue Date: 9-May-1996
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: Bacillus subtilis CBTK 106, isolated from banana wastes, produced high titres of a-amylase when banana fruit stalk was used as substrate in a solid-state fermentation system. The e¤ects of initial moisture content, particle size, cooking time and temperature, pH, incubation temperature, additional nutrients, inoculum size and incubation period on the production of a- amylase were characterised. A maximum yield of 5 345 000 U mg~1 min~1 was recorded when pretreated banana fruit stalk (autoclaved at 121 ¡C for 60 min) was used as substrate with 70% initial moisture content, 400 lm particle size, an initial pH of 7.0, a temperature of 35 ¡C, and additional nutrients (ammonium sulphate/sodium nitrate at 1.0%, beef extract/peptone at 0.5%, glucose/sucrose/starch/maltose at 0.1% and potassium chloride/sodium chloride at 1.0%) in the medium, with an inoculum-to-substrate ratio of 10% (v/w) for 24 h. The enzyme yield was 2.65-fold higher with banana fruit stalk medium compared to wheat bran
Description: Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1996) 46:106-111
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4238
Appears in Collections:Dr. M Chandrasekharan

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