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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4167

Title: Energy Aware Cluster-based Multihop Routing Protocol for Sensor Networks
Authors: Santhosh Kumar, G
Sitara, A
Poulose Jacob,K
Keywords: Energy Efficient Routing Protocols
, Wireless Sensor Network
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2010
Publisher: I. K. International Publishing House
Abstract: Clustering combined with multihop communication is a promising solution to cope with the energy requirements of large scale Wireless Sensor Networks. In this work, a new cluster based routing protocol referred to as Energy Aware Cluster-based Multihop (EACM) Routing Protocol is introduced, with multihop communication between cluster heads for transmitting messages to the base station and direct communication within clusters. We propose EACM with both static and dynamic clustering. The network is partitioned into near optimal load balanced clusters by using a voting technique, which ensures that the suitability of a node to become a cluster head is determined by all its neighbors. Results show that the new protocol performs better than LEACH on network lifetime and energy dissipation
Description: International Journal of Information Processing, 4(3), 9-16, 2010
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4167
ISSN: 0973-8215
Appears in Collections:Dr.Santhosh Kumar G

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