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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4155

Title: Using open source software for digital libraries A case study of CUSAT
Authors: Santhosh Kumar, G
Surendran, Cherukodan
Humayoon Kabir, S
Keywords: Open source software
Digital libraries
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2011
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe the design and development of a digital library at Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), India, using DSpace open source software. The study covers the structure, contents and usage of CUSAT digital library. Design/methodology/approach – This paper examines the possibilities of applying open source in libraries. An evaluative approach is carried out to explore the features of the CUSAT digital library. The Google Analytics service is employed to measure the amount of use of digital library by users across the world. Findings – CUSAT has successfully applied DSpace open source software for building a digital library. The digital library has had visits from 78 countries, with the major share from India. The distribution of documents in the digital library is uneven. Past exam question papers share the major part of the collection. The number of research papers, articles and rare documents is less. Originality/value – The study is the first of its type that tries to understand digital library design and development using DSpace open source software in a university environment with a focus on the analysis of distribution of items and measuring the value by usage statistics employing the Google Analytics service. The digital library model can be useful for designing similar systems
Description: The Electronic Library Vol. 31 No. 2, 2013 pp. 217-225
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4155
Appears in Collections:Dr.Santhosh Kumar G

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