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Dr.Santhosh Kumar G >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4139

Title: English to Malayalam Translation: A Statistical Approach
Authors: Santhosh Kumar, G
Mary, Priya Sebastian
Sheena Kurian, K
Keywords: Alignment
English Malayalam Translation
PoS Tagging
Statistical Machine Translation
Suffix Separation
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2010
Publisher: ACM
Abstract: This paper underlines a methodology for translating text from English into the Dravidian language, Malayalam using statistical models. By using a monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus in the training phase, the machine automatically generates Malayalam translations of English sentences. This paper also discusses a technique to improve the alignment model by incorporating the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus. Removing the insignificant alignments from the sentence pairs by this approach has ensured better training results. Pre-processing techniques like suffix separation from the Malayalam corpus and stop word elimination from the bilingual corpus also proved to be effective in training. Various handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process which can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language are also presented in this paper. The structural difference between the English Malayalam pair is resolved in the decoder by applying the order conversion rules. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics
Description: Proceedings of the 1st Amrita ACM-W Celebration on Women in Computing in India
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4139
Appears in Collections:Dr.Santhosh Kumar G

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