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Dr. Sumam Mary Idicula >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4108

Title: Syntactic Based Machine Translation from English to Malayalam
Authors: Sumam, Mary Idicula
Anitha, Nair T
Keywords: morphology
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: Due to the emergence of multiple language support on the Internet, machine translation (MT) technologies are indispensable to the communication between speakers using different languages. Recent research works have started to explore tree-based machine translation systems with syntactical and morphological information. This work aims the development of Syntactic Based Machine Translation from English to Malayalam by adding different case information during translation. The system identifies general rules for various sentence patterns in English. These rules are generated using the Parts Of Speech (POS) tag information of the texts. Word Reordering based on the Syntax Tree is used to improve the translation quality of the system. The system used Bilingual English –Malayalam dictionary for translation.
Description: 2012 International Conference on Data Science & Engineering (ICDSE)
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4108
Appears in Collections:Dr. Sumam Mary Idicula

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