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Bright Singh I S >

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Title: Optimum growth requirements of nitrifying consortia developed from treated sewage
Authors: Bright Singh, I S
Kavitha, Ramachandran
Keywords: Bioreactor
Nitrifying consortia
Optimum requirements
Issue Date: 3-Dec-2003
Abstract: The optimum growth requirements of two nitrifying consortia developed from treated sewage by enrichment technique were determined by a series of experiments. There was total inhibition of nitrification at above 2.75 g r' NH/- Nand 2.5g r' N02' - N and the ammonia oxidizing consortium preferred a pH at 8.5 and the nitrite oxidizing consortium a pH of 7.5 as the optima for nitrification. Optimum temperatures were between 20° and 30°C for both the groups. As the rate of airnow was increased from I to 7 Ilmin, the build-up of N02- -N increased 10-fold and the consumption of N02- -N increased by a factor of 28.8 implying that the ammonia oxidizing consortium in a bioreactor required three times more aeration than that for nitrite oxidizers for ex pressing their full nitrifying potential. These data directly contribute for developing a fermentati on process for the mass production of nitrifiers as well as for designing bio reactors for nitrifying sewage.
Description: Indian lournal of Experimental Biology Vol. 42, March 2004, pp. 314-318
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4085
Appears in Collections:Bright Singh I S

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