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Bright Singh I S >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4061

Title: Chitosan as a wall material for a microencapsulated delivery system for Macrobrachium rosenbergii(de Man) larvae
Authors: Bright Singh, I S
Rosamma, Philip
Anas, A
Keywords: microencapsulation
Macrobrahium rosenbergii
drug delivery
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2008
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing
Abstract: Chitosan has beenwidely accepted as awall material for preparing microcapsules of various purposes in human medicine. The possibility of using chitosan as a wall material for microencapsulating nutrients and drugs for aquaculture purposes, speci¢cally to Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae was evaluated in this study. Two types of chitosan-coated microcapsules were prepared using either acetone (MEC-A) or NaOH (MEC-N) as the cross-linking agents. They were compared with a microbound diet relative to total leaching of nutrients and free amino acids (FAA). Among the microcapsules, MEC-N showed the lowest level of total leaching of nutrients (23.3%) during 5 h of immersion in seawater and released 65% FAA after 60min. During laboratory trials,75% larvae had accepted the MEC-N capsule. The results of the study suggest that chitosan can be used as a wall material for preparing microcapsules to deliver drugs and nutrients to M. rosenbergii larvae.
Description: Aquaculture Research, 2008, 39, 885^890 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2008.01944.x
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4061
Appears in Collections:Bright Singh I S

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