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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4017

Title: Biodegradability Studies on LDPE-Starch Blends using Amylase-Producing Vibrios
Authors: Sarita,G Bhat
Zeena, Hamza P
Anna Dilfi, K F
Thomas, Kurian
Keywords: biodegradability
low-density polyethylene
tapioca starch
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2008
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: Low-density polyethylene, (LDPE) was mixed with two grades of tapioca starch–lowgrade and high-grade. Various compositions were prepared and mechanical and thermal studies performed. The biodegradability of these samples was checked using a culture medium containing Vibrios (an amylase-producing bacteria), which was isolated from a marine benthic environment. The soil burial test and reprocessability of these samples were checked. The studies on biodegradability show that these blends are partially biodegradable. These low-density polyethylene-starch blends are reprocessable without sacrificing much of their mechanical properties
Description: International Journal of Polymeric Materials, 58:257–266, 2009
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4017
ISSN: 0091-4037 print=1563-535X online
Appears in Collections:Dr. Sarita G Bhat

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