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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3998

Title: Thermal characterisation of dye-intercalated K-10 montmorillonite ceramics using photoacoustic technique
Authors: Sugunan, S
Suja, H
Sanjay, G
Joseph, L K
Nampoori, V P N
Radhakrishnan, P
Keywords: photoacoustic technique
thermal diffusivity
dye intercalation
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2009
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: Thermal diffusivity (TD) measurements were performed on some industrially important dyes – auramine O (AO), malachite green and methylene blue (MB) – adsorbed K-10 montmorillonites using photoacoustic method. The TD value for the dye-adsorbed clay mineral was observed to change with a variation in dye concentration. The contribution of the dye towards TD was also determined. The repeatedly adsorbed samples with MB and AO exhibited a lower TD than the single-adsorbed samples. TD values of sintered MB samples were also obtained experimentally. These sintered samples exhibit a higher TD, although they show a trend similar to that of non-sintered pellets. A variation in dye concentration and sintering temperature can be used for tuning the TD value of the clay mineral to the desired level
Description: Philosophical Magazine Vol. 89, No. 10, 1 April 2009, 895–905
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3998
Appears in Collections:Dr. Sugunan S

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