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Title: IR: Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Management and Knowledge Dissemination
Authors: Beena, C
Padmakumar, P K
Archana, S N
Keywords: Open Access
Knowledge Management
Institutional Repositories
Issue Date: Jun-2010
Publisher: Journal ot'Librar)= and Information Management
Abstract: Open access iiiovemerit and open source software movement plays an important role in creation of knowledge, knowledge management and knowledge dissemination. Scholarly communication and publishing are increasingly taking place in the electronic environment. With a growing proportion of the scholarly record now existing only in digital format, serious issues regarding access and preservation are being raised that are central to future scholarship. Institutional Repositories provide access to past. present and future scholarly literature and research documentation; ensures its preservation; assists users in discovery and use; and offers educational programs to enable users to develop lifelong literacy. This paper explores these aspects on how IR of Cochin University of Science & Technology supports scientific community for knowledge creation. knowledge Management, and knowledge dissemination.
Description: Journal Of Library and Information Management Vol.1 No.1,January -June 2010,PP 38-44
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3981
ISSN: 0975-878X
Appears in Collections:Beena C

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